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Baby, don't say goodbye.

about me.
Well, just write something about you here:) It may not have to be long. Haha. Something like,
About you:
Will do actually(:
tagboard .
tagboard here. cbox recommended(:
links and credits .
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Colour Code Icons

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March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010

Saturday, August 28, 2010 { 10:36 AM }

Hi blogger,
Haven been blogging since due to busyness and school work.
Holiday is ending this Friday
Back to school on Monday!
And oh ya I am confuse abt the work "friendship"
So far I only found a few committed once
The rest are confusing me..

Oh ya and Happy birthday Caine and WaiYee!
Carine, I miss you! ):
Anyway.. I need to rush Salvadors HW,
School start, we will start learning 2D.
Hope it wil be fun ;D


Friday, August 6, 2010 { 2:16 AM }

Hi blogger,
This wk is Fii, lenoard &Jamine's birthday!
Happy birthday! ;D

Finally my project went from 3 to 1 now..
planning to complete it during the weekends..
Going to catch back as much sleeps as i can before new projects comes out.
&my class keeps skipping lessons and gets lack of sleeps thanks to that project.
We finally took a chance to feedback to the head
Nvm got to last till year 2..

National day celebration today
I should have just sleep at home..
the celebration is just some weird stuff and go home..
next year one, i comfirm chop not going.,
Anyway went to Dauby with Clique.
ate KFC and walk around..
Going to find Alex, Christine, brintha &Vann soon! [:
Finally get to hang out without worries..
And its finally holiday!

i wun be blogging so often anymore.
Bye blogger..
